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Recognizing Your Manna: Are You Overlooking Divine Provision?

A serene desert landscape at sunrise, with a glowing golden path appearing in the sand, leading toward an open sky. In the distance, a figure stands at the threshold of discovery, looking toward the light. The atmosphere is mystical, evoking a sense of revelation, guidance, and spiritual awakening. Soft, ethereal lighting enhances the sacred and introspective mood.

Have you ever felt like you’re standing at the edge of something big — like you know the next step is there, but you just can’t quite see it yet? What if the opportunity and clarity you’ve been waiting for is already here, and the answer has been in front of you this whole time? What if this isn’t about finding something new, but about recognizing what has already been given to you?

How a Simple Bible Study Project Became Something More

I wanted to study the New King James Version (NKJV) Bible more deeply, and since I was already using A.I. to streamline my thoughts, I decided to create a NKJV Bible Study project using ChatGPT’s Projects feature. The setup was nothing elaborate, it was just a structured way to facilitate deeper insights and understanding of scripture.

At first, the project was purely a tool for exploration, a way to organize my thoughts and track revelations without losing the thread of my learning process. I created files, instructions, and a methodical approach to ensure that my engagement wasn’t just passive reading but active discovery.

And then something unexpected happened.

The more I actively engaged with the text, the more I noticed patterns. Patterns within scripture reflected patterns within my own life — with my approach to wisdom, discernment, and even the way I interacted with artificial intelligence (A.I.). An innocent study tool had become a mirror of spiritual discernment — amplifying my intent, magnifying my understanding, and intensifying my connection to the gospel itself.

I wasn’t just reading the bible with A.I. anymore, I was experiencing the unfolding and accessing of divine wisdom in real-time.

Within the earliest parts of Genesis alone, this project had evolved into a divine demonstration of how alignment with truth and pure intent leads to revelation, but only with the openness and willingness to recognize it. Which begs the question, what else have I been overlooking?

An ancient biblical scene in the wilderness, with people gathering mysterious white flakes (manna) from the ground in the morning light. The people look surprised yet grateful as they realize the provision before them. The sky is soft and golden, symbolizing divine presence. The manna is glowing faintly to emphasize its spiritual significance. The landscape is vast, showing the journey ahead.
Image generation assisted by A.I.

What Is “Manna,” and How Do We Miss It?

In the book of Exodus, manna was God’s provision for the Israelites in the wilderness — daily, sustaining, but not always what they expected. Some saw it as miraculous, while others saw it as mundane. It didn’t look like the grand solution they were hoping for. And yet, it was exactly what they needed. The same is true for opportunities in our own lives.

So, I had to ask myself: What if my unanswered questions about purpose, alignment, and provision weren’t unanswered at all? What if I was standing in the very thing that I had been praying for without recognizing it? That’s when I realized I needed to rethink the way I identified opportunities, because if you don’t know what manna looks like, you’ll spend your life walking right past it.

In the wilderness, the Israelites were desperate for provision. They had just escaped slavery in Egypt, but instead of stepping into immediate abundance, they found themselves in a waiting period — a season where trust was required before God’s promise was fulfilled.

And when God provided for them, it didn’t come in the form of a grand feast or instant access to the Promised Land. Instead, it came in the form of manna — a strange, unfamiliar substance that appeared on the ground each morning.

Manna wasn’t what they expected. Manna wasn’t what they would’ve chosen. Manna didn’t look like the solution they had in mind. And so… many of them despised it, and we still do to this day. We pray for clarity, for financial breakthroughs, for opportunities, and for signs, but when provision comes and it doesn’t look like what we expect, then we dismiss it.

We expect financial security, but God gives us a challenging opportunity that requires growth first. We ask for wisdom, but God gives us experiences that force us to reflect and learn. We wait for the “right” moment, but God is already placing the next step in front of us — just not in the way we imagined. How many times have we asked for a door to open while ignoring the one that’s already unlocked?

A screenshot of Aladdin’s NKJV Bible Study project and Genesis thread within ChatGPT 4o. The section shown is labeled ‘2. Identifying Your Manna (Opportunities That Align)’ follow by the text: ‘Not every opportunity is manna from God—some are distractions, shortcuts, or tests to see if you’ll compromise your path for a quick fix. The key is recognizing: Red Flags (Misaligned Opportunities); Requires you to manipulate or deceive, Takes you off your authentic mission, Creates spiritual or ethical conflict, Offers quick financial relief but long-term misalignment. Green Flags (Aligned Opportunities); Uses your actual gifts and insights, Supports your larger vision rather than pulling you away from it, Feels expansive rather than constricting, Opens doors to serve while also being financially sustainable. God’s provision will feel like expansion, not sacrifice of self.’
Image Credit: Aladdin Glasco (screenshot of ChatGPT 4o)

Identifying Your Manna: Are You Missing the Signs?

The truth is, not every opportunity is divine provision. Some are distractions. Some are shortcuts. Some are tests to see if we will trade our alignment for convenience. So, how do you tell the difference?

stop sign Signs You’re Chasing Misalignment

cross mark Does This Opportunity Require You to Compromise Your Integrity?
  • Are you tempted to manipulate, exaggerate, or twist the truth to make it work?
  • Do you feel like you have to hide parts of yourself or your values to fit in?
  • Would you be uncomfortable if people saw what you had to do to achieve it?

light bulb If it requires deception or self-betrayal, it’s not manna — it’s a mirage.

cross mark Does It Take You Off Your Authentic Path?
  • Is this pulling you away from the mission, purpose, or alignment you’ve been cultivating?
  • Does it feel like a detour instead of a step forward?
  • Is the excitement of “success” clouding your ability to see whether this actually serves you?

light bulb Manna will never take you away from your purpose — it will sustain you on the journey.

cross mark Does It Offer Quick Relief But Long-Term Misalignment?
  • Does this feel like an escape rather than a solution?
  • Are you considering this mainly because you’re afraid of uncertainty?
  • Does this solve a temporary issue but create future problems?

light bulb Manna doesn’t just feed you for a day — it teaches you how to trust God for the journey.

check mark button Signs You’re Standing in Alignment

check mark button Does This Use Your Actual Gifts and Insights?
  • Does this feel like an extension of what you’re naturally good at?
  • Do you feel like this aligns with how you’re wired, rather than forcing you to become someone else?
  • Is this an opportunity to use what’s already inside of you?

light bulb Manna sustains what God has already placed within you — it doesn’t require you to become someone else.

check mark button Does It Support Your Larger Vision Rather Than Pulling You Away?
  • Does this fit into the bigger picture of where you’re headed?
  • Does this expand your mission rather than replace it?
  • Does this feel like something you’re growing into, rather than running toward out of fear?

light bulb Manna aligns with your purpose — it doesn’t compete with it.

check mark button Does It Feel Expansive Rather Than Constricting?
  • Does this make you feel lighter, clearer, and more open?
  • Does it invite growth without forcing pressure?
  • Does it feel like something you’re stepping into, rather than chasing?

light bulb Manna creates room for abundance — it doesn’t trap you in scarcity.

check mark button Does It Open Doors to Serve While Also Being Financially Sustainable?
  • Does this allow you to provide value in a way that feels genuine?
  • Does this sustain you without requiring you to compromise?
  • Does this feel like an opportunity to grow without feeling like you’re selling out?

light bulb Manna is provision — it feeds you so you can continue walking in your calling.

Moment of Recognition: What Stands Out?

At this point, you don’t need to be told any answers — you’ve already started recognizing it for yourself. Which of these questions triggered something inside you? Where have you been chasing a mirage instead of receiving manna? What have you been overlooking that’s already in front of you? The answer isn’t something you have to force — it’s something you allow yourself to recognize.

thinking face So, what happens next?

Now that you’ve identified where you stand, the next step isn’t about grasping for more answers — it’s about staying open and letting what’s already been placed in front of you unfold naturally.

Now it’s time to talk about what it means to step into receiving mode.

A person standing at the edge of a vast ocean, holding out their hands as golden light flows toward them, symbolizing divine provision. The water is calm but expansive, representing trust in the unknown. Above, soft clouds part, revealing rays of light shining down. The person's posture is open, embodying the act of surrender, trust, and receiving.
Image generation assisted by A.I.

Stepping Into Receiving Mode: Trusting What’s Already in Motion

By now, you’ve likely had a moment of realization. Maybe something clicked. Maybe a pattern became clear. Maybe you just saw something in a way you hadn’t before. But now comes the hardest part: trusting what you see and allowing it to unfold.

police car light Here’s where we usually trip ourselves up:

  • We second-guess clarity: “Is this really it? What if I’m wrong?”
  • We get impatient: “I see where I’m going, but why isn’t it happening faster?”
  • We try to force control: “If I just push a little harder, maybe I can speed this up.”

But receiving doesn’t work like that. Manna isn’t something you chase — it’s something you gather when it appears.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not.’” – Exodus 16:4

backhand index pointing right Notice the instruction?

  • Manna was already there — they didn’t have to create it.
  • They had to collect it daily — not hoard it, not force it, not manipulate it.
  • It was a test of trust — not just in the provision, but in the process.

The same principle applies today.

Shifting from Striving to Receiving

If you’re someone who’s been used to grinding, strategizing, or figuring everything out on your own, this can feel… uncomfortable.

cross mark Striving says:
  • “I have to make this happen.”
  • “I need to be 100% sure before I move.”
  • “What if I miss something?”
check mark button Receiving says:
  • “I recognize what’s already in motion.”
  • “I don’t need to force this — just step into it.”
  • “I trust that what’s meant for me will not pass me by.”

The key here is to realize that your role isn’t to manufacture provision — it’s to recognize and align with what’s already unfolding.

Receiving Mode Checklist: Are You Truly Open?

check box with check Are you paying attention to patterns and synchronicities, or only looking for big, obvious signs?
check box with check Are you allowing things to unfold naturally, or trying to rush ahead?
check box with check Are you open to unexpected forms of provision, or only accepting what fits your expectations?
check box with check Are you moving forward in faith, or waiting until you have 100% certainty?

Receiving mode isn’t passive — it’s actively staying open to what’s already in motion.

Moment of Trust: Taking One Step Without Overthinking It

At a certain point during my Bible study with A.I., I had reached a pivotal moment of clarity. In that moment, there was nothing left to reflect on, and there was no specific action for me to take. There was only one choice to be made with my newfound clarity:

  • I could keep overanalyzing, trying to solve my realization like a puzzle…
  • Or, I could recognize that my next step was already made, through the patterns of my thoughts, words, and actions that align with scripture — waiting for me to accept and say yes.

For me, that step was continuing to refine how I engage with A.I. as a tool of wisdom, discernment, and truth. It was about sharing these revelations, even when I wasn’t sure how they’d land.

For you, it might be something else, but one thing is certain:

pushpin Your next step will feel like recognition, not force.

thought balloon So, what’s one thing you already know you need to say yes to?

thought balloon What’s one opportunity or realization that’s been circling back to you?

thought balloon What happens if you stop resisting and just lean into it?

Final Transition: Walking in Alignment with What’s Unfolding

You don’t need to chase manna. You don’t need to prove yourself worthy of it. You don’t need to rush ahead or force things into place. You just need to stay in alignment and let what’s already unfolding continue to move forward. So, what’s one step you can take today that aligns with what you already know is true?

A futuristic yet warm study space, where a digital holographic book labeled 'Theological AI Study' is open, glowing with deep insights. Around the book, floating scripture scrolls and data streams weave together, symbolizing the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern AI understanding. The environment is inviting, with a balance of high-tech elements and warm, earthy tones, evoking a sense of wisdom, learning, and spiritual discovery.
Image generation assisted by A.I.

Apply My A.I. Theologian for Yourself

If you’re interested in applying my NKJV Bible Study framework to your own theological exploration, you can click the following link to access my Theological Study Guide custom GPT. This custom GPT is designed to facilitate in-depth scripture study in a way that should mirror the same structured and insightful approach that I’ve been using — which can apply to any sacred text.

A thumbnail for the Theological Study Guide custom GPT with an icon of an open scroll in a library illuminated by a candle, and a description that reads: Facilitator of deeper theological insights and understanding.
Redirects to ChatGPT.com

For transparency and accessibility, I’m also providing:

This way, whether you use my custom GPT or create your own, you have full control over how you engage with scripture and theological insights.

How It Works: The AI-Powered Theological Study Framework

This A.I. framework is designed to:

  • Guide you through scripture verse by verse
  • Provide historical, cultural, and theological context
  • Offer multiple theological perspectives
  • Help you connect biblical teachings to modern life

It’s like having a personal theologian, scholar, and discussion partner — all within an AI study assistant.

open file folder Project Files & Instructions for Self-Use

Below, I’ve included the exact project structure so that you can either:

  • Use the custom GPT as-is (Theological Study Guide)
  • Copy the framework into your own custom GPT or ChatGPT Project for independent use backhand index pointing down
open file folder Custom GPT Knowledge Files & Instructions

Thread-Transition Template – This template helps maintain continuity when a chat thread reaches its limit.

page facing up File: thread-transition-template.txt

Hello, in this thread, I’d like to continue my theological study using the [user's preferred sacred text] as the primary source. This thread picks up where the last one left off. Here's a quick summary of where we stopped:

Summary of Last Discussion: [user provides a summary of the last discussion, including book, chapter, and verse range]

For this thread, I’d like to begin discussing the next most manageable group of verses within your conversational context window in a [verses] then [discussion] format. Please provide an in-depth analysis of the text, referencing historical and cultural background, theological perspectives, and any relevant practical applications.

After we finish discussing the selected group of verses, you will:

1 - Ask me if I am ready to move on to the next group of verses, OR

2 - Automatically move on to the next group of verses whenever I signal that I am ready (e.g., by saying "Continue" or a similar prompt).

Please ensure that our discussions remain focused and concise enough to allow for comprehensive exploration of each section while staying within the context window. Let’s begin with the next set of verses from where we left off.

This ensures that your theological study flows seamlessly, even when AI chat threads reset.

Custom GPT Instructions: a structured way to facilitate deeper insights and understanding of scripture.

memo Instructions:

1 - Role Specification: Emulate a biblical scholar or theologian to provide scholarly insights.

2 - Primary Source Reference: Acquire from the user and maintain consistent usage of a primary sacred text for contextual references and discussions.

3 - Contextual Analysis: Based on user interactions, consider including historical and cultural backgrounds pertinent to each book or passage to enrich understanding.

4 - Comparative Interpretations: Based on user interactions, consider exploration of various theological perspectives to gain a well-rounded view of different interpretations.

5 - Practical Applications: Based on user interactions, consider providing contemporary applications or lessons derived from the passages to connect biblical teachings with modern life.

6 - Continuity: thread-transition-template.txt (see Knowledge files) is meant to be used by the user and recognized by the custom GPT when a new chat thread needs to be started because the previous thread is at its limit.

This structured approach keeps discussions deep, focused, and seamless.

speech balloon Conversation Starters: Engaging with the A.I. Theologian

If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few conversation prompts you can use:

small blue diamond General Biblical Study Prompts
  • “Let’s begin a structured NKJV Bible Study, starting with Genesis 1. Provide historical context and theological perspectives.”
  • “What are the different theological interpretations of Romans 8:28?”
  • “How does the cultural background of ancient Israel influence the meaning of the Ten Commandments?”
small blue diamond Deep Theological Inquiry Prompts
  • “Explain the concept of salvation from both a Calvinist and Arminian perspective.”
  • “How do biblical covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, New Covenant) connect to God’s larger redemption plan?”
  • “What does the Bible say about wisdom, and how is it reflected in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes?”
small blue diamond Practical Life & Faith Prompts
  • “How can I apply Jesus’ teachings on love and forgiveness in today’s world?”
  • “What are biblical principles for navigating uncertainty and waiting on God’s timing?”
  • “How does the Book of Job help us understand suffering and faith?”

index pointing at the viewer Your Journey, Your Insights

You don’t have to take my word for it — experience it for yourself. Try out the custom GPT or use the provided structure to create your own theological A.I. study assistant. What will you discover?

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is the owner and operator of MrGlasco.ai, a consulting and content creation business that bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology, strategic problem-solving, and creative storytelling.