Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) Let it Snow… (Part 3 – Ending)



Without spoiling any more than The Wolf Among Us episode previews show, it feels like we are entering our second act (middle of the story). Snow White is about to be on a war path, which is right up Bigby Wolf’s alley. Or do we try steering her away from getting her hands dirty? Things being done in the dark have come to light, and even though I’m sure that there is still a lot more to the whole story. There is plenty of evidence to start taking more drastic action.

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Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) My lips are sealed… (Part 2)



I like how The Wolf Among Us keeps me comfortably curious. While curiosity can be very dangerous for a character in a game like The Walking Dead, we are literally tasked with solving a mystery playing as the big bad Wolf in a world where Aesop’s Fables live in our reality. Now throw in some preconceptions based on similar fables from our childhood, and then add the violent and mature themes from the Fables comic books by DC / Vertigo Comics. Now this is a world where I would be more curious than cautious.

Read more… “Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) My lips are sealed… (Part 2)”

Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) Once upon a time… (Part 1)



I’ve been meaning to get around to playing this game for a while. Telltale Games released The Wolf Among Us (2013) about a year after their critically acclaimed The Walking Dead (2012) adventure game. So they had a pretty good template to use for creating a “gritty, violent and mature thriller based on the award-winning Fables (2002) comic books ( DC Comics / Vertigo ).”

Read more… “Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) Once upon a time… (Part 1)”