Let’s Play: Gears Tactics (PC), Who’s Ukkon?


I’ve been craving a new tactics game, and I’m hoping that Gears Tactics can deliver. While I still have yet to finish XCOM 2, or try the recently released XCOM Chimera Squad, Gears Tactics is something new and good for competition and innovation in the tactics genre. I’m also interested to see what kind of impression Gears Tactics gives me having never played a Gears of War game.

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Let’s Play: Final Fantasy VII: Remake (PS4), Part 11 – Midgar Ending


Finishing up this first part of the Final Fantasy VII: Remake series, and starting to reflect on the journey so far, and the adventure yet to come. Where movies have failed in the “remake” category of film making, the video games industry seems to be succeeding. While not everything is perfect, it feels good to be able to look forward to both new and remake games alike.

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Let’s Play: Final Fantasy VII: Remake (PS4), Part 10


We’re in the final stretch for the first part of the Final Fantasy VII: Remake series. I wonder how brutal of a cliff hanger there is at the end of this first act. No matter how things play out, I hope the developers at Square Enix recognize what we loved and appreciated.

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