
Let’s Play: Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (PC + Vive), Happy 4th of July



It’s the 4th of July, Independence Day in the United States, and as the son of an immigrant and a disabled veteran I want to celebrate by fundraising for the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) and the Wounded Warrior Project throughout the month of July.

My RAICES fundraising campaign:

My Wounded Warrior Project campaign:

Also, let’s shoot some guns and fireworks in virtual reality! I’ve been looking for a well made shooter in VR, and I found Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (H3). Even though it looks like H3 is more of a sandbox shooting gallery at this time, I have the impression that it may be the most mechanically fun. So let’s give it a try while we ‘Merica some freedoms and liberties!

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Let’s Play: Rocksmith 2014 (PC), Guitar Practice



I’ve recently gotten back into playing my guitar with Rocksmith 2014 Edition Remastered, and I think the only way for me to commit to getting better is to incorporate my practice into my streaming routine. However, while my main stream will be Rocksmith for tonight, I want to restructure my #PreGaming streams to be more inclusive of other “self improvement” hobbies and activities along side health and fitness.

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Let’s Play: My Friend Pedro (PC), PogChamp!



I had my eye on My Friend Pedro before it came out, but I got a lot of Katana Zero vibes. However, the buzz around this game has been mostly positive, so I figured I’d give it a “shot.” After all, Katana Zero was all about close combat and throwable items, even when it came to guns! Now let’s go meet our new friend…

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