At any given time there are thousands of ways for me to communicate my message to the public over the Internet. So if I consider my options between two platforms like WordPress and Medium, I think that it actually makes the most sense for me to just use both. Aside from personal taste or legal restriction, I don’t foresee too many scenarios where I would be forced to choose one platform over another. With that said, a similar question of choice still remains… Where to start? For this question I like to personally assume that I have already begun work on both platforms, as well as every other platform for that matter.
Read more… “To Blog or to Medium? Is that the Question?”Blog
The Long and Short Game of Accountability
We all have responsibilities but I don’t believe that everyone has the integrity to do what is right by those responsibilities when nobody is watching. Not that everybody always does what they are supposed to do when they are being supervised, but I do think supervision is a good hack for committing to obligations in the short term. However experience has taught me that the long term game of being held accountable for your responsibilities is more about self awareness than it is about being watched.
Read more… “The Long and Short Game of Accountability”Getting Back on the Brand Wagon
A couple things that I’ve learned developing the MrGlasco brand of commentary and creative content surrounding design, casual video gaming and practical health & fitness since 2013, is that adaptation and innovation are never ending and ongoing processes. This comes with the territory of being online, as the Internet is constantly changing and evolving along with end-user attention and novelty within a community. Additionally, the on-again, off-again execution of my early brand testing revealed to me that adapting and innovating aren’t only for the sake of adjusting to an audience and a market, adapting and innovating my brand has also been necessary to further develop my own self awareness.
Read more… “Getting Back on the Brand Wagon”