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Let’s Play: The Wolf Among Us (PC) My lips are sealed… (Part 2)



I like how The Wolf Among Us keeps me comfortably curious. While curiosity can be very dangerous for a character in a game like The Walking Dead, we are literally tasked with solving a mystery playing as the big bad Wolf in a world where Aesop’s Fables live in our reality. Now throw in some preconceptions based on similar fables from our childhood, and then add the violent and mature themes from the Fables comic books by DC / Vertigo Comics. Now this is a world where I would be more curious than cautious.

Oh, how the plot has thickened! Even though I feel like there is a lot of creative liberty being taken with the source material to create the most compelling story possible. I think this is fine if it gets the job done in enough of a satisfying way.

We also got to experience the sexually mature side of this game in the form of sexual themes and nudity. While games like The Walking Dead series share similar aspects of mature language and extreme violence, The Wolf Among Us takes things a step further with a topless scene (thus far).

While some nudity and sexual themes in The Wolf Among Us seem to be innocent enough, as far as Mature rated games go. I have a feeling that the double standard between mature language/violence and sex/nudity may be a significant factor as to why The Walking Dead have so many more titles than The Wolf Among Us.

All that being said, Telltale Games did make a Game of Thrones game. And if it’s anything like the show, it could put the sex and violence in The Wolf Among Us to shame. However I have not played the Game of Thrones game, but with a pending release of The Wolf Among Us: Season 2 in 2019, maybe there’s hope for a balanced approach to mature content in the future.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is the owner and operator of MrGlasco.ai, a consulting and content creation business that bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology, strategic problem-solving, and creative storytelling.