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Let’s Play: Death Stranding (PS4), Part 1


That’s right! I’m back! I took some time off to evaluate a few things and basically rebuild my stream from scratch. From my hardware to my software to my workflow a lot has improved, and hopefully this will result in a more stable streaming routine. So it seems fitting that I return with a game like Death Stranding, a game about rebuilding a world from its own ashes and against all odds.

Wow! What an interesting start to my return to streaming. Death Stranding’s developer, Hideo Kojima didn’t seem to hold anything back with the presentation of his world and its characters, and all with his signature cinematic style. I’m looking forward to where things go from here.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is the owner and operator of MrGlasco.ai, a consulting and content creation business that bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology, strategic problem-solving, and creative storytelling.