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Let’s Play: Death Stranding (PS4), Part 14 – Ending


It looks like we’re at the end of the Death Stranding main story line. Will we finally get some answers to all of the questions we have about the Hideo Kojima’s story and its characters? Somehow, I doubt it, but let’s find out…

Wow, what an ending! I didn’t think that I was going to feel satisfied with the conclusion with all the questions that I wanted answered. Fortunately, I was able to get all the answers that I needed.

Even with a lot questions left unanswered and newer questions being raised, the closure of Sam & BB’s story was all that I feel was necessary. The specifics of the death stranding and other people’s lives may still be revealed in email and interview logs, or simply left to our imagination, but everything else pales in comparison to the epic journey that Sam and BB have been on.

I think back to the my rabid thirst for knowledge and discovery in the game, Horizon Zero Dawn, and how I lost interest in the game’s minor plot points after overarching details were revealed. Naturally, I still have questions about Death Stranding’s world and characters, but I have my doubts that a follow up or sequel could attract the same level of intrigue.

Then again, with writing and directing like Hideo Kojima’s, who knows what’s in store for the Death Stranding universe. I hope you enjoyed yourself, thanks for joining me on this adventure, and keep on keeping on.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is the owner and operator of MrGlasco.ai, a consulting and content creation business that bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology, strategic problem-solving, and creative storytelling.